Holistic You Training
Group Sessions for 4-10 people

There are so many mixed messages about how to stay healthy as a person which we refer to as “holistic you”. 

  • Do you ever wonder what the first step would be?
  • Are you overwhelmed by all the information out there about your health?
  • Do you ask yourself how you should manage your holistic self?

Become a better version of yourself with one of our amazing coaches:
Gerard Scheenstra & Sandra Lin!

🗸 10 hours of self-study (e-learning)

🗸 4 online weekly group meetings – 90 mins each

🗸  Professional guidance in achieving your goals

🗸  Create an action plan for a fulfilling life

Let us work with you to design a healthier life for your future self.

Over 4 weekly sessions, you will 
learn the following:

🗸 Understand holistic you and the mind body connection.

🗸  Learn about the 7 Principles of Health.

🗸  Learn how to read ingredients on labels.

🗸  Understand which chemicals are toxic to avoid in personal care and what is body hacking.

🗸  Design a healthier future from where you are today to where you want to be.

Meet your coaches Gerard Scheenstra & Sandra Lin!

Picture of coach Gerard


Gerard Scheenstra is a visionary business leader and community builder with a unique set of superpowers. As a natural dot connector, he excels at bringing together people, businesses, and ideas to create thriving communities and successful business models. With his sixth sense, he is able to listen and feel between the lines, gaining insights that others might miss.

Gerard is also a roadmap creator, with a deep understanding of future readiness for individuals and organizations alike. He can quickly see the big picture and then apply his superpowers to help others achieve their personal and business goals.

Gerard’s key mission and inner purpose is to promote “We” thinking and doing, with a focus on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He is passionate about collective engagement and unlocking the superpowers of people, teams, and organizations to create fit-for-future readiness. As an active and engaged world citizen, Gerard feels a sense of urgency regarding the realization of the SDGs.

What sets Gerard apart is his fearlessness in the face of death. He believes he has seen and felt the other dimension and is committed to making the most of his time on earth, using his superpowers to make a positive impact on the world around him.

So why wait any longer? Get in touch with Gerard and start the journey to becoming your very best self.

Let’s work together toward success!


My vision in my life is to change people’s lives within the health and wellness industry. I’ve written a book on this topic as I want to demonstrate an alternative way to healing that does not require medication as everything starts at the mind/body/spirit level.

I believe that a lot of our disease starts internally which we need to heal from the emotional level in order to balance. If we have a healthy, emotionally balanced society, the world would be a much better place.

Changing people’s lives from Sydney, Australia.

So why wait any longer? Get in touch with Sandra and start the journey to becoming your very best self.

Let’s work together toward success!


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