Picture of coach Dorianne

Coco Bugter

Student Coach / Insight Creator / Mentor

Languages: Dutch and English

““It is never too late to be and act like yourself, but it is never too soon as well””

Are you a student & currently living the time of your life, but are you facing uncertainties or challenges? Don’t know if you are on the right path or are you looking at yourself or the future uncertainly?

I am a people-oriented person, concerned about people’s emotional, mental and psychical health, which in my own experience is highly tested and shaped in the student phase.

As a coach I will attend your student journey towards the best version of yourself, by mapping out you and your life in a holistic way. I will help you discover you, and associated values, challenges, interests and skills, to then reflect on how you are already incorporating you in the study you follow and the path you are navigating.

Together, we create a plan to turn the pain points into action items, with the aim of setting up a customized and fertile student life for you in which you are happy, confident, and productive, as if to design a future that meets your full potential and therefore ensures your emotional, mental and psychical health.

Located in The Netherlands

